MyPHPCommander :: Home
Welcome on the project page of MyPHPCommander!
The first version written in OOP is ready. :-)
In the moment, it isn't very easy to download an install MyPHPCommander.
But this will change!
Currently I'm building an Installer for new Packages, etc., so you only download the
main package of MyPHPCommander. After you have installed it, you can download and install
new Packages directly via the installer of MyPHPCommander.
Since I switched to OOP and changed a lot of things like the directory layout,
I have to write a new Installer.
The next step is a Documentation for MyPHPCommander.
I thought about an program for MyPHPCommander which displays information about
the source files and which is a help for the programs, so that every program can bring
it's own help file, which will be integrated in the Documentation viewer.
I hope, that you will find it useful.
I'm still looking for people, who can test MyPHPCommander if it is secure and if
it works good everywhere or who write useful plugins.
If you're interested, mail to martinschroeder[at]